By far the largest number of Recruiters is contingency recruiters , and these will be your best source to contact. These firms are paid only when one of their applicants accepts employment through their efforts with one of their client companies, and thus, their fee is contingent upon making the placement.
Since they are paid only when they make a job placement, they are most interested in applicants who fit the current needs of their clients, and if you are more difficult to place than another applicant, you will not get as much attention. When talking with them, state your employment objective, but be as flexible as possible and listen to their suggestions. However, you are under no obligation to accept any interview that does not meet your standards.
Interview with the agency as though it is the company with whom you hope to be employed. Many companies have established a strong rapport with the recruiters they use and have great confidence in their opinion. Thus, you must impress the Recruiter enough to be referred on to these key clients.
At the end of your interview, ask how soon you can expect to hear from them and when you will be sent on an interview. Also, seek their frank appraisal of your resume and interviewing skills, and ask if they have any suggestions or recommendations for you to consider. If this Recruiter specializes in your field or discipline, you may obtain valuable information about current and future trends, who is expanding, etc.
You have every reason to expect the agencies you select to treat you honestly and fairly. They should never send you on interviews for which you are not qualified or refer you to positions in which you have no interest. You should be briefed before each interview regarding the nature of the position, promotional potential, salary range, and company background. The best agencies will maintain files in their office of company literature for you to peruse, including annual reports and recruiting information, especially for their best clients. Many agencies also know their client’s interviewers and interviewing techniques.
In return, you should treat your agencies with the same respect you expect from them. If you are not interested in a specific interview, tell the agency why; this will help your recruiter to be more selective for future interviews. Always show up for your interviews or advise the agency well in advance to cancel; most agencies will not work with you once you have failed to show for an scheduled interview. Call your agency recruiter immediately after each interview to relay your impressions of the interview. Ask them what the company's recruiter said about your interviewing skills also.