CONTRACT AND TEMPORARY JOBS: Good career move or not?
As the economy continues to improve, I have noticed an increase in Temporary and Contract Jobs. Oftentimes, the company wants to see how well you perform the job before offering you a permanent position. Other times, a company just needs some short-term help – possibly to fill-in for an employee on medical leave or to complete a short assignment. In addition, many large companies maintain their own in-house temporary agency to use when convenient.
Should you consider and/or accept a Contract or Temporary Job?
YES! And for at least six solid reasons:
- Many temporary and contract jobs become permanent. In fact, they often are referred to as “temp-to-perm” jobs.
- You need not stay the entire term of the contract, and in fact, you can and should continue your job search while working the temporary position. If two months into a contract job, you receive a full-time, permanent job offer, you can go to the contract company and tell them that you have a job offer. Allow them the opportunity to counter-offer, for a permanent position there and/or with increased compensation.
- You are keeping your skills current – perhaps even gaining additional and useful experience that will make you more marketable for your next job.
- You are making good networking contacts at the contract company.
- Your supervisor at the temporary position could be a reference and recommendation for future job opportunities.
- While working at the company, you may have access to the company’s internal job postings – jobs available to current employees but not yet publicized outside the company.
There are two potential downsides, however:
- You may not have the time to devote to a permanent job search, or just may become content to stay.
- Healthcare and other benefits are generally not included. However, I note that many agencies that specialize in placing contract and temporary positions will offer them.
Overall, I feel the advantages of working temp far outweigh the downside, so definitely add this resource to your career search.